Cleanflight channel mapping issue

Im new to drone hobby, but have built quadcopter wtih fs r6b receiver and fst6 controller, receiver is bound and controller reflects proper stick motion {AETR}, action does NOT work in cleanflight, AETR will not move, aux will move. Please help

AETR does not move in the receiver tab on cleanflight.
But the AUX channels do?

This would suggest a mapping issue.
Have you configured cleanflight correctly for you RX?

ie. PPM or SBUS on the correct serial?
What FC are you using?
How do you have it connected?

F3 fc, using pwm, not sure about serial

I’m noobie please understand

Cc3d, serial uart1-115200, serial rx-uart3

Thx for your response, using spracingF3, cc3d, pmw, serial configuration uart1-115200, serial rx uart3, this is all new 2 me please bare with me, thx

This video should help show who what we mean

Thank you for your help with my issue, I was able to figure it out and it works!