Order #715398 - Dys-30a-2-6s-Brushless-Esc-With-5v-2a-Bec-For-Rc-Fixed-Wing-Aircraft - ESC controller with raspberry pi pico

Order Number: 715398
Product Name: Dys-30a-2-6s-Brushless-Esc-With-5v-2a-Bec-For-Rc-Fixed-Wing-Aircraft
Brand: DYS
Hi. I`` m trying to build a DIY drone with raspberry pi pico as the flight controller. I need to know how to connect the ESC to the pi and what kind of signal range does it accept for PWM. Is there any technical documentation you could supply me with please? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Kind regards.


Hi Tim good day,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

That sounds like a really cool project you are taking on!

I had a look at your order and the specific ESC you picked up, from what I understand those do PWM as you mentioned, oneshot and multishot. I’m not sure if they do dShot though.

As for PWM range usually we run them in the range of 1000-2000. I’m not sure what range the Pi requires, but I suppose that can be scaled accordingly to get the resolution and spectrum you need.

We try to be as thorough as possible with documentation for products, so the details we have on our product page will be what is publically available for that specific product.

If you have any other specifics please let me know and I can reach out to DYS directly?

China is on country wide shutdown at the moment for new year celebrations, so I will realistically only receive feedback from them in a week to two weeks.

Hope this helps.
If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?


Unmanned Tech Support