July 2019 Challenge: Living on a Knife edge

Challenge (July 2019)

And the winner is…:drum::drum::drum::drum::drum:

@sync for the Knifey 2 Video. :clap::clap::clap:


I think this must have been the tightest of the bunch, well done. Congratulations.

Thanks for those who made the effort, entered and risked equipment.

Bag makes it’s way ASAP :muscle:



:trophy:Prize - Ethix heated lipo battery bag. International shipping at your own cost!!! :joy:

This month we’re going back to tricks. Pretty simple - or is it? Show me the best Knife edge you can do…Here is what’s being judged.

  • Risk
  • Precision/Accuracy
  • Timing
  • Speed


  • 1. 3-5 Second lead up to the knife edge.
  • 2. You must come out of the knife edge and into a trick of your own choice.
  • 3. You have 20 seconds to complete it.

That’s it!

Knife Edge Tutorial

Enjoy - Please fly safe.

:alarm_clock:Deadline: - 8th August 2019 23:59 GMT

:man_judge:Judge - @Kev


Sorry if I aint supposed to put it here. But my best attempt at a knife edge.


Hello Atomic - Correct place for entries thank you. You have a time stamp for me mate?

Should have been time stamped. 4:10 is the start, not the smoothest but its something for me xD

Here is my entry


I can’t find the HD footage :frowning: so here’s one of my attempts in glorious DVR quality. It’s not my best ever but I kinda liked this one because I kinda incorporated it into something that almost looks like a flow :sweat_smile:


Last minute attempt at this. Such a crappy spot but had to make do. Would have liked to get a few more attempts but Satans hound appeared!


One more before the bell :

1 Like

And the winner is…:drum::drum::drum::drum::drum:

@sync for the Knifey 2 Video. :clap::clap::clap:


I think this must have been the tightest of the bunch, well done. Congratulations.

Thanks for those who made the effort, entered and risked equipment.

Bag makes it’s way ASAP :muscle:

