Hollybro x650 v2

Hi are the moter esc,s dshot? On the hollybro x650 v2 kit

Hi Good day,

Thanks for reaching out to us.

From the description on Holybro’s site it seems they are the Tekko32 F4’s. Manufacturers often change components of kits without update their listings or us, so I just want to confirm it for you.

I have asked out drone technician, as soon as I hear back I will come back to you.

Hope this helps.

If there is anything else I can assist with please do let me know.


Unmanned Tech Support

Hi good day again,

I just want to confirm that the ESCs supplied witht he kit are the Tekko32 that I mentioned earlier, these do run dShot.

Hope this helps.

If there is anything else I can help with please do let me know?


Unmanned Tech Support