Scout X4 Compass Calibration

I just wanted to know how do I calibrate the compass on the scout X4 Quadcopter? I cant seem to find out anywhere on how to do this.

Once you have bound your Devo F12E radio to the scout X4 you just need to make sure both are turned on and that you have not armed the motors. Then push both sticks on the devo radio to the inner bottom corners as shown in the image below that I have taken from the quadcopter quickstart guide…

Its also worth noting that this is just the initial compass calibration, the scout X4 continualy monitors this and calibrates as you fly and saves the new calibration values when you disarm the motors. So after a few flights with your quadcopter you should notice things like GPS position hold and stabilise will get slightly better after the first few flights.

friends a technical question, it is advisable to calibrate the scout x4 sde each flight? or only once?. I happen to know that each time before flying, but I found in the manual that when calibrated, and used batteries takes a few minutes of flight calibrated to 100% because calibration is finished in flight. and mentions in the manual that after some flights improved stability. then placed between said whether it is advisable to calibrate each qvez to be flown. since it never will be 100%'m a little confused … can advise me … also in the manual are the last two laps left to right, but video tutorials have seen that most calibrates from right to left in the past two turns … what is that good? thanks pilot friends

I would say that you only need to calibrate the compass once before your first flight, (or if you notice poor position hold performance ’ toilet bowl effect’) As each time you fly the scout X4 adjusts the compass offests to account for things such as motor interference etc… You just need to do an initial calibration the first time.

As for the way you turn the quadcopter, it does not realy matter too much which way you do first, or what direction, as long as you cover all the areas.

thanks my friend , have a niace day