Drone Haters - Privacy vs. Stupidity

As the popularity of drones has grown over the years, so too has the number of anti-drone protesters. Inevitably there are those who see the changes the drones bring as a threat to their way of life, their privacy and their safety. Below are some examples of these protesters and how they reacted to a drone’s sudden invasion in their lives. Some may call what they do an over-reaction. After all this isn’t I Robot. Watch the videos and see what you think.

Drone Swatting

Here a man becomes angry after seeing a drone flying low over the street. Outraged by the lack of privacy he is getting in this public place he instantly begins to swat at the machine with his T-shirt. The owners of the drone watch on as he flees the scene.

A Good Catch

Trying to get good aerial shots can be tricky, especially when having to deal with the public. This fisherman took the threat of an aerial attack into his own hands and used his admittedly brilliant casting off skills to hook the invader. Phew, danger averted.


In this video a man is assaulted by a young woman after flying his drone over a beach. She insisted that he was invading people’s privacy, the same argument that is brought forward as soon as a drone buzzes into view. Her pleas were ignored however, as there are laws against assault and none regarding use of a camera in a public place.

Trigger Happy

In this instance the man who shot down the drone hovering over his garden was actually arrested for first degree wanton endangerment. He does however, make a good point. What was the drone doing flying over his garden?

As with any public activity there are rules and regulations that must be followed.

‘Rules that drone owners will have to abide by mean that drones will have be kept within the pilot’s line of sight and must not be flown above a maximum height of 400 feet. Drones must be kept away from aircraft, helicopters, airports and airfields. Moreover, drones fitted with cameras must not be flown within 50 metres of people, vehicles, buildings or structures over congested areas or large gatherings such as concerts and sports events.’

It is the people that do not follow these regulations that create a cloud of hatred over the whole droning community. But if people do follow the rules the public needs to understand that flying a drone does not make you a pervert or an international spy in the same way that carrying a camera does not mean you have suspicious motives.

The hatred of drones as spread so far that it has now reached the animal kingdom. I shall leave you with an irate chimpanzee who really values his privacy.

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