Newbie help please

Hi all,
I’m about to build my first racing drone (ROBOCAT CO-CO 280) and I’m a absolute beginner so please can you help with two questions at the moment, the first is, in LibrePilot setup wizard it asks what frame do you have so I would like to know what frame the robocat co-co 280 is please, my second question is, I have a cc3d revolution and I would like to know how I would setup my cc3d revolution the same as this:
With LibrePilot, please if you could explain how to do this it would be most appreciated, it would be great if some one could help.
Thank you.

Hi, we dont have a complete guide on how to built the robocat, but we do have a general guide to getting setup with librepilot. The process is essentially the same for the CC3D revolution, as you just need to follow the setup wizard, @Sam recorded a video on how to set it up here:

If you have any specific questions, please let me know.