Order #712180 - Radiomaster - Faulty transmitter not reading sd card suppied

Order Number: 712180
Product Name: Radiomaster
Brand: RadioMaster
Transmitter not detecting sd card supplied and unable to bind to any receivers with internal cc2500 module
I have radiolink fs12dsm
Flysky fsia6b
Watched YouTube copysteps on videos to no avail

Hi Steven good day,

This is a fairly common issue, luckily it doesn’t have anything to do with the radio and is an easy fix.
Reformat the card according to the recommendations for EdgeTx, then load only the SD card contents required. Don’t have miscellaneous random files on there as well.

You can do this all through the app: https://buddy.edgetx.org/#/flash

If that doesn’t sort it out your SD card itself may be corrupt or physically damaged.

Hope this helps.

If you have any other questions please do let me know?

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