From Wifibroadcast to WFB-NG: The New Era of Open-Source FPV Systems

In the ever-evolving world of drones, the race is on for the next big thing. Amidst this tech revolution, WFB-NG emerges as a shining beacon. An advanced extension of the famed wifibroadcast, this open-source digital FPV and telemetry system is laser-focused on one mission: slashing latency to deliver real-time, seamless connections. But wait, there's more to the story. Enter OpenIPC, an innovative firmware tailor-made for cameras, unlocking capabilities once thought impossible, such as ultra-high frame rates pivotal for FPV. And just to clear the air, while both these groundbreaking projects are making waves in the drone community, they're distinct entities, separate from OpenHD, another remarkable venture designed for long-range video, telemetry, and RC control. Dive in as we unravel the nuances of these projects and the future they're shaping.

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