How to connect using Mac Os 10.6 and setup Alexmos 3 axis brushless gimbal controller

Continuing the discussion from How to connect and setup Alexmos 3 axis brushless gimbal controller:

Depending on what board you are using will will first need to install the drivers

You will also need to download the latest version of java

The last issue thing that might be causing problems is you need to allow the GUI to create a lock file on your Mac OS, follow the steps below to allow it.

GUI uses a serial communication, that needs to create a lock file. To allow it, you should to do
the following steps:

  1. Start terminal (navigate to /Applications/Utilities and double click on Terminal)
  2. Make folder “/var/lock” by command: sudo mkdir /var/lock
  3. Change permissions by command: sudo chmod 777 /var/lock
  4. Allow to run non-signed applications in System Preferences > Security & Privacy > General > Allow
    Applications downloaded from: Anywhere

Hope that helps